IRONBRIDGE has set targets to reduce its own emissions. These are:

  • The goal to make IRONBRIDGE's direct emissions carbon neutral by 2030.
  • The indirect emissions of IRONBRIDGE are to be reduced by 2050 be carbon neutral.
What do these carbon emission reduction targets mean?

IRONBRIDGE's direct emissions are those that are within our control. They come, for example, from electricity and gas consumption in our buildings and fuel for our vehicles. Reducing these in such a short time will be a challenge, which is why it is an ambitious target.

Indirect emissions come from the buildings IRONBRIDGE rents, the goods and services we buy, business travel, waste disposal and water use in our buildings. Reducing these emissions requires influencing other organisations, so the target is longer term. Many organisations do not set a target for these emissions as they are more difficult to manage.

What does 'climate neutral' mean?

In general, 'carbon neutral' or 'net zero' mean the same thing: some carbon or greenhouse gas emissions remain but are 'offset' or 'compensated' by carbon dioxide removal. Such removal can be achieved through negative emission technologies (NETs) such as geo-sequestration or biomass energy with carbon capture and storage, or through natural sequestration by means such as afforestation.